Cotton Research Station
Introduction : |
The cotton research station khapat farm,Porbandar is situated on Porbandar adityana state ways. 3 km away from Porbandar city. Khapat centre of Junagadh Agricultural University is sub centre for deshi cotton (G.harbaceum) and testing center for G.hirsutam (Non-Irrigated) and G.arborium cotton.
Faculty of Profile : |
Agro-Climatic Information of the Center : |
Infrastructure : |
Total area : 2.2359 ha
Farm area under cultivation : 2.2359 ha
Area under Farm Structure buiding, road, follow :
Irrigated area : 2.2359 ha
Source of irrigation : Dug well
Mandate : |
Cotton Research Station (CRS):
1. Research and improvement of cotton crop
2. Seed multiplication
3. Screening and maintenance of germplasm
Dry Farming Research Station (DFRS) :
1. To develop the package of practices of rainfed crops.
2. To identify suitable crops and their varieties for their yield potential in rainfed area of the region.
3. To produce breeder and improved seeds of major crops of this region.
Objective :
1. Evaluation of different genotypes of cotton through state trials.
2. Conductions of MLTs of different crops.
3. Production of breeder seed of Ground nut.
4. Seed production of different crops under mega seed project.
Project operating at the Research Station :
Research Activities : |
Crop improvement :
1. Multi-location trails regarding breeding and agronomical aspect is allotted to this centre every year for crop cotton, sorghum and minor oilseed (s’flower)”.
2. Seed production is the major activity at this centre for the crop Groundnut & Cotton.
Research Recommendation for the Farmer :
Soil Chemistry :
1. Mulching with 5 tones/ha in per-monsoon Groundnut raised with saline water in south Saurashtra costal region.
2. Application of Gypsum every year before monsoon @ 75% G.R. in Groundnut-Wheat crop sequence adopted in costal region of south Saurashtra.
Seed Production :
Experiment: 1 Multi location Trail of G-herbaceum cotton
Experiment: 2 Large Scale Varietal Trail of G-herbaceum cotton
Experiment: 3 Large Scale Varietal Trial of Soya bean breeding
Publication :- One Res.Paper in International journal. |
Transfer of Technologies : |
1. Demonstration of agro technology on research station field through demonstration on plot.
2. Impairing information regarding scientific crop management to visiting farmers through field visit.
Future out look :
Contact :
Dr. R. K. Odedra
I/C Assistant Research Scientist
E-Mail :,